Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Guest post

Hey guys. :) 
I just made a new page at the top of my blog. :) 
It is "guest posts. Please read" 
Can you go click on that and read it? 
Thanks! :D  


Questions? Comments? I will answer your questions! And i LOVE to here your comments! posted by: Jamie N.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Red-eyed tree frog

    Red-eyed Tree Frog

    Red-eyed tree frogs are named for their large, bulging red eyes. 

    They grow to 2-3 inches,eat bugs, and have powerful long-jumping legs with suction cups on the toes. They are nocturnal, which means they are active during the night and sleep during the day.

    • Eyes: Bright red eyes may startle predators.
    • Skin: Its body is bright green, and the sides are blue with pale yellow stripes.
    • Feet: Each foot has toes with a sticky pad at the end that is used for climbing.

    Questions? Comments? I will answer your questions! And i LOVE to here your comments! posted by: Jamie N.

    Monday, November 16, 2015


    Hey guys! Sorry its been awhile. :( Our computer broke down and so I haven’t had time to post at all. :( I wondered if any of you would like to do a guest post for me? Just comment on this post that you would and I will email you with the details and then you can email me with your post! :) 
    Thanks for understanding! :D And when I’m less busy I will do a giveaway!!! :) 

    Questions? Comments? I will answer your questions! And i LOVE to here your comments! posted by: Jamie N.